At this time I'll tell you guys about my school event called "Festival Budaya: Gathapraya". But let me tell you about What is Festival Budaya first.
Festival Budaya is an annual event held by students of SMAN 3 Bandung that starting from 2014 in the inaugural event Festival Budaya: Matswapati 2014 which has a tagline "Kenali Budayamu, Cintai Negerimu". The festival is held to cultivate the love of traditional cultural arts to the community across generations, to remind that the art of culture is the ownership of the joint responsibility to maintain, preserve, and develop it.
In 2015, SMAN 3 Bandung returns with the next festival, that is Festival Budaya: Gamarvani 2015 which has a tagline "Gemilang Cinta Negeri" and Festival Budaya: Megantara 2016 which has a tagline "Kemilau Budaya Sinari Nusantara".
And the event that held in this year is Festival Budaya: Gathapraya 2017. Gathapraya was taken from two words in Sanskrit, that is Anagatha which means future and Abhipraya which means hope. Then Gathapraya means hope for the future. The event was held in Lapangan Bali on 30 September 2017. Open gate from 12 p.m until 4 p.m. But in the morning, we held a parade. The parade starts from Lapangan Saparua till Lapangan Bali. There are traditional games, foodtrucks, batik, live street art, traditional dress, pottery, gamelan, and photobooth.
There are also some guest stars that performing like Nidji, HiVi!, Elephant Kind, Didik Ninik Thowok, Soul Etnic, OSD ITB, KPA3, MK3, LSS3, Vina Candrawati, Giri Harja,
belum beres guys.
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