Holiday Plan Conversation

   Hello! At this time I'm going to show you all a conversation about holiday plan with my friend Alyfa and Ditha a.k.a Aninditya.

Narish: Hello guys. How are things going on?
Alyfa: Hi, I'm feeling great today. How about you guys?
Ditha: I'm feeling good today because the holiday is coming!
Narish: OH MY GOD! I just realized that holiday is coming!
Alyfa: Yeah! Me too. Do you have any plan guys?
Ditha: Yes, I have a plan to go to Hongkong Disneyland with my family.
Narish: I will spend my holiday by traveling around the world and hanging out with my boyfriend.           How about you? Do you have any plan, Alyfa?
Alyfa: I have a plan to spending my holiday in Europe to see football cup with my daddy! I'm so                    excited and I can't wait for it!
Ditha: Which country that you gonna visit first, Narish?
Narish: I will gonna visit France first and then I will going to see Ariande Grande's concert in                         Europe!
Alyfa: REALLY?! I'm going to see that concert too!
Narisha: Then we are going to the concert together Alyfa.
Ditha: I want to see the concert too! :( But I can't, I already book a ticket to Hongkong.
Alyfa&Narish: Yah..
Ditha: Have fun guys!
Narish: Thank you! You too.

That's our conversation about holiday plan. I'm Narish signing out. Bubbye!!!


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