Edu Passion 2019: Agranasta

At this time, i’ll tell you guys about Edu Passion: Agranasta. But first, let me tell u about Edu Passion. Edu Passion is an annual event held by students of SMAN 3 Bandung. In this year, Edu Passion named Agranasta. The event was held in SMAN 3 Bandung start on 24 January 2019. The event start at 8 am. Edu Passion held in purpose to introducing universities. There are Indonesian universities like STAN, UI, ITB, UGM, and many more. Besides that, there are some foodstall like potatoes, spaghetti, drinks, and mac&cheese. Me as students interview some university. They are UPI and UNPAD. Here’s the pict. Actually i want to continue my study to psikologi in UNPAD so i interviewed UNPAD about the psikologi. i asked the girl at UNPAD’s stand about is dat possible dat we as science student can continue our study to social science. and the girl who i interviewed said dat psikologi at UNPAD is psikologi klinis so the science students can continue their study eventhough...